10 Ways to Know that You’re in Love

10 Ways to Know that You’re in Love Love ; one of the most popular searches Google makes every day, is an emotion of passion, fondness, and sincere devotion to someone we really fancy. Love has been defined in various contexts. From a passionate commitment, to a driver of great stories; yet one thing all definitions have in common is that someone who is in love with an intimate companion is enclosed in a state of mind where their heart and mind lusts for the other person, accepting them as they are, and feeling satisfied in their presence. We all, at some time in our lives, undergo a feeling of infatuation which is commonly mistaken for love. So, in order to avoid such a glitch with a special someone, here are 10 ways which will help you figure it out: 1.Can you go by a few hours without thinking of the person? You don’t have to be obsessed about the person, but if the person crosses you’re mind every once in a while when they aren’t there, or if certain circumstances like a book...