Installing latest nodejs on Linux
Introduction: According to its site , Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices. Basically, it is a server side software system that can be used to design and write scalable Internet applications. It can be used to create a web server on its own, thus removing the need of using a web server software like Apache. Due to the asynchronous I/O mode, there is minimum overhead(computation time). I have a machine running Ubuntu 12.10, so I normally use my package manager (apt-get) to install applications which are present in the repository. However, even though I did apt-get multiple times, the installed version seemed to an outdated v0.6.* where-as, the latest version as per their site was v0.10.4 (Huhhh!!!) Detailed Steps: Below are the steps which I had to perform, to get the latest nodejs up and running: ...